

Don't use parasitic infection drugs for COVID-19 treatment

Don't use parasitic infection drugs for COVID-19 treatment
and last updated

The warnings are clear and are coming from trusted medical agencies.

If you get COVID-19, don't take a drug used to treat "parasitic infections."

Researchers conducting a government-funded trial are looking at several re-purposed drugs to treat COVID.

One is Ivermectin - which gained the most attention recently because some were getting doses meant for large animals from farm-supply companies.

The Food and Drug Administration reported that people were showing up in hospitals with serious side effects after taking the animal medication.

In the human trial, safety is the top priority.

"In this trial, we're actually dosing the medication based on the patient's weight and we're low dosing it based on the desired drug concentration that we need to treat the infection," said Dr. Rowena Dolor, a researcher involved in the ACTIV-6 clinical trial at Duke University.

The ACTIV-6 trial on Ivermectin is looking for "adult COVID-positive people"who are experiencing symptoms.

Several hundred patients have already enrolled at about 40 clinical sites, but they want to expand to more than 250 sites and thousands more patients.

Information on various COVID-19 treatment trials can be found here.