

CCISD releases guidelines on COVID-related absences

and last updated

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — CCISD has received guidance from the Texas Education Agency on how to handle absences due to COVID-19.

The district is "actively making plans" to offer remote conferencing starting on Monday as an instructional option for students who can't attend schools because of temporary medical-related conditions. Remote conferencing is a Texas Education Agency-approved method of instruction for students who meet certain requirements.

Requirements allowing for this include that the student is unable to attend school because of a temporary medical condition and the total amount of remote conferencing instruction does not exceed more than 20 instructional days over the complete 2021-2022 school year.

At least one requirements that must be met include:

  • The student's temporary medical condition is documented by a physician licensed to practice in the United States that the student is to remain confined to their home or to a hospital.
  • The student has a positive test result for a communicable condition listed in 25 TAC §97.7. Texas Administrative Code (
  • The student has been identified as having been in close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19.


  • If the documented temporary medical condition persists longer than 20 instructional days over the entirety of the 2021-2022 school year, a waiver request must be submitted and approved for an extension of remote conferencing.
  • Students in a remote-learning setting must not be taught by a teacher who is also teaching in-person students at the same time. The campuses will determine if a student qualifies for remote conferencing based on the criteria listed above and notify parents/guardians.

CCISD also said it will continue to share more information about this and other pandemic-related programming as it becomes available. Throughout the year, CCISD will also continue to be a partner with parents to help our students advance their education while also promoting safety.

The district also said it wants to assure parents it is "working diligently to provide a safe learning and working environment.

"In addition to urging vaccines for those age 12 and up to protect ourselves and each other (particularly our youngest students), we highly encourage mask-wearing at all schools and district properties," the district said in a prepared release.