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Butter Churn Restaurant reopens their doors to serve customers

Posted 1:27 PM, May 01, 2020
and last updated 1:27 PM, May 01, 2020

ARANSAS PASS, Texas — For many Texas restaurants, May 1st is an exciting day for workers as they have been given the green light to reopen their doors and serve customers.

Staff with the Butter Churn Restaurant located in Aransas Pass say they had to complete additional training and work very hard to get back to reopening status.

Due to the ongoing pandemic the restaurant had to close mid-March 2020.

Before customers can dine-in, a few adjustments needed to be enforced.

Several tables were removed from the dining area and others were set six feet apart to place social distancing practices.

The restaurant is known for its country-style buffet cooking, but in the meantime, customers will have to follow cafeteria procedures.

The business along with other dine-in restaurants in Texas can only serve customers at a 25% capacity.

For the Butter Churn Restaurant, that means only 80 customers can be served at a time.

General Manager Mark Kenne says these procedures and regulations are all new to him and his team, but workers came together, and are ready to see their customers while adapting to these new changes.

“We’re excited because we’re going to get to see customers have some interaction and just get the restaurant working again, and just to be able to feel a normal situation again is our biggest thing. So we’re excited about that,” says Kenne.