News6 Investigates


Will taxpayers ever recoup cost of first Carroll purchase?

The original site of the proposed Mary Carroll High School
and last updated

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — In 2018, we broke the story of a Corpus Christi ISD blunder when the district bought property for a new high school only to find out it was in the crash zone of a nearby Navy training airfield.

Plans to build the new Mary Carroll High at Weber and Saratoga in Corpus Christi were scrapped, but the 60 acres cost you and other taxpayers nearly $8 million.

KRIS 6 Investigates is pushing for answers to find out if taxpayers will ever recoup their money for that mistake.

“They bought it initially because they thought they had a good location, but now that they have it, they're going to be stuck with it for a while, I think,” said Carroll parent Norma Gonzalez.

And at least one commercial real estate agent agrees. We'll hear his thoughts on the marketability of the crash zone lot.

We'll also lay out CCISD’s plan to unload the land, coming up later today on KRIS 6 News at 6.

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