News6 Investigates


6 Investigates: Why is the city auditor still not certified?

6 Investigates
and last updated

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Two-and-a-half years after Kimberly Houston was appointed the City of Corpus Christi's interim city auditor in April 2018 and was given a year to complete her certification, it remains incomplete.

6 Investigates first looked into the situation in January, and an extension was granted -- until June -- shortly after.

Corpus Christi City Manager Peter Zanoni said another extension has been granted because the COVID-19 pandemic has delayed the testing process.

"Mrs. Houston has passed and taken the first two modules," he said. "Most recently she took the third module. She nearly passed it. She missed it by 10 points."

Zanoni said the passing rate is around 40 percent and that the exam is rigorous. Houston is expected to retake the third part of the exam in December, and results usually take about six weeks to arrive.

Residents visiting City Hall had mixed reactions to the situation.

Destiny Flores believes if Houston has been given another extension, it is for a good reason.

“I really don't think it does matter," she said. "If she is doing job, then that is wonderful."

On the other hand, John Andrew Villarreal said Houston should have been certified within the first year.

“I think someone should be held accountable, you know, if they have a year to get certified, you know what I mean," he said. "If not, there may be people out there who are certified and may do that job a little bit better.”

He said the second extension was granted because Houston has proven she can do the job. The current extension is good through March 1, 2021, and adds that as an interim auditor she does not receive full payment for the position.

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