News6 Investigates


6 Investigates follows-up: Growing air service at CCIA

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi International Airport continues to fight an industry phenomenon known as "leakage" - locals choosing airports in other cities over their own - and while fliers often cite costs as the primary driver behind behind that decision.

6 Investigates looks into flight cancellations and delays, and asks if airport officials can do anything about it.

Last year, 15 percent of all flights out of CCIA faced delays and about 3 percent (roughly 150 flights) were canceled. But a senior airport official tells us it's not the airport but the airlines that decide which flights are canceled and others are delayed.

And even they are at the mercy of unforeseeable factors when making those decisions.

Check back for updates later today on KRIS 6 News.

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