News6 Investigates


6 Investigates: Our Air Quality. It’s better than you think

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Corpus Christi landed on the government’s watchlist of cities and communities nearing unacceptable air pollution standards about 20 years ago.

And though we’ve grown since then – more people, more cars, more industry – the latest figures show our air pollution is not growing along with us and is actually moving farther away from national air quality standards.

The National Ambient Air Quality index shows Corpus Christi’s air shed is getting cleaner. In 2002, our 8-hour Ozone concentrations were topping out near 85 ppb (parts per billion). As of last year, we were topping out just above 60 ppb.

6 Investigates checked with a couple of local experts who explain why air pollution control is not only good for your health, it’s good for your wallet. And, there’s something each of us can do to help out, including emissions checks on our personal and/or fleet vehicles.

Getting an emissions check is quick, it’s free and it can be done through the Pollution Prevention Partnership.

Click here to find out where they’ll be holding their next event.