

30-year anniversary for Aransas Pass cold case marked

Posted 4:17 PM, Aug 06, 2019
and last updated 6:12 PM, Aug 06, 2019

ARANSAS PASS, Texas — 30 years ago today, 13-year-old Elisa Roberson went to meet a friend in her hometown of Aransas Pass.

Roberson was never seen again.

That case has never been solved and for Roberson's family, she has never been forgotten.

Over the years, Aransas Pass police have had leads, but Roberson's case has been cold for nearly three decades.

Elisa's mother and sister describe the last 30 years as a nightmare which never ends.

“Not a day goes by that I don't think about my missing child, not a day; and today it's even worse.” said Marina Tomchak, Elisa’s mother.

You'll hear more from Elisa’s family this evening on KRIS 6 News.

A group called Texas Equasearch looked for Elisa's body at her Aransas Pass home in 2016.

No remains were ever found.