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Intense Murph Crossfit Workout Challenge provides tribute to fallen Navy SEAL

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Navy Seal Lt. Michael Murphy was killed in action while serving in Afghanistan back in 2005.

And on this day, when we pay our respects to those who died in service to their nation, some folks honored Lt. Murphy by taking part in the Murph Crossfit Workout Challenge.

The Murph is the same workout that Murphy would do before he would deploy.

The intense workout includes a 1-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 300 air squats, and another mile run with a 20-pound weight vest.

This is the sixth consecutive year that Contender Crossfit has hosted the Murph Crossfit Workout Challenge.

“It’s not just our gym. We have people dropping in from other gyms, from across Texas,” said Ervin Martinez, co-owner of operation for Contender Crossfit, Ervin Martinez says. “They’re here on vacation… It’s just a really good way to bring everybody together for that common cause.”

Exactly 113 people were on site Monday morning chose to participate. They came not only because they wanted to honor Murphy, but because they also wanted to make a special tribute to others close to their hearts.

John Good, a Contender Crossfit member, has a son in the US Navy. He chose to participate today because he wanted “to show support for the men and women that are sacrificing their freedom – so to speak – to defend ours.

To help raise money for scholarships named in Lt. Murphy’s honor, tank tops and t-shirts were available for purchase on the Murph Challenge 2019 webpage,

Additionally, Contender Crossfit put $250 towards the nonprofit scholarship fund, with the tradeoff of being named an Official 2019 Murph Workout Host.

Another Contender Crossfit member, Bella Williford also has a son who served in the military.

“There are so many sacrifices they have,” Williford said. “The families sacrifice a lot, and then for those that don’t get their family members back … it’s just something we can do to show them ‘hey we remember.'”

For anyone wanting to donate can go to

The Lt. Michael P. Murphy Scholarship Foundation has grown since 2007, from being able to provide one scholarship to now 18.

To see whether or not you are able to apply to any of these scholarships, please check the link above.

This Lt. Michael P. Murphy Scholarship Foundation is funded strictly from donations and proceeds from The Murph Challenge.