

Vick’s Famous Hamburgers moves location


The well known Vick’s Famous Hamburgers on Port near Leopard has moved its location!

The new location is 626 North Port, which is next to the old location, but there’s a big difference.

The family owned business held a grand opening today to celebrate the move.

They spent 42 years in a 560 square foot drive through burger joint, but now, they moved to a 2,400 square foot restaurant that can seat 80 people. The new location has indoor seating and a patio, with music, that can fit its many customers who love their burgers.

"They’re kind of more old fashioned, traditional hamburgers. That’s why I like them," said Father John Haby, a frequent customer.

This popular burger business is a generationally owned business started by an immigrant.

Back in the 1970’s, Vic Pollakis brought his wife and two children to the United States for a better life.

Vick died 17 years ago, but his son remembers how the business started.

"It started back in 1976. My parents decided to open the business so they can provide for the family," said George Pollakis.

Pollakis remembers how his parents put in long hours and hard work. It took about five years, and then came the boom.

Vick’s Famous Hamburgers lived up to its name with many people in town.

Pollakis spent many years in that little drive through as a teen. From the age of 16 until the age of 22 he cooked, he listened, and he learned from his dad.

Pollakis remembers his dad as a stern man but credits him with the work ethic he taught by example.

After all those years at Vick’s Famous Hamburgers, George Pollakis set his sights on another restaurant chain to join. He did, and says he learned valuable management skills.

Then, in 1996, his father asked him to take over the business.

"Reluctantly, I took it over because I had a steady job, but then I took it over and it has been my passion ever since," said Pollakis.

He grew that passion, quite literally, with a move to this now much bigger location.

"When the family name is on everything that we do there’s a lot of integrity that goes with whatever we serve everyday," said Pollakis.