NewsFact Check


Fact Check: Are license plate frames illegal?

Posted 9:58 PM, Jun 11, 2018
and last updated 3:17 PM, Jun 28, 2018

License plate frames, whether they come from the car dealer, or put on by the vehicle’s owner; many, if not most cars have them.

A post that has been circulating on social media has called their legality into question, claiming that a frame that covers any words on a license plate is illegal.

The KRIS 6 Fact Check team looked into this claim, and it turns out that it is not true.

According to the Texas Transportation Code, a license plate frame only violates the law if it “impairs the readability of the name of the state where the vehicle is registered, or the letters or numbers of the license plate at any time.”

A frame that covers the words “The Lone Star State” does not violate the law.