

Local moms raise funds for new playground


For the past three years, a few local moms from Padre Island have been doing what they can to give their kids a new playground.

These moms saw an add in the Island Moon Newspaper that the playground at Billish Park would not be getting updated. 

With a community full of younger children, these moms knew that a new playground should be a main priority.

Jennifer Seymour, an island resident for four years, has kept up with the playground project from the start. She says they had to raise over $60,000 for a new play structure and they could only do that with numerous fundraisers. From raffles, bake sales, and pub crawls, the moms finally hit their goal last week raising all of the funds needed for a new playground. 

Seymour says that all that is next is ordering the equipment and hoping for community involvement to put the structure together. She says that sometimes it costs just as much as the playground itself just to install it. Seymour also hopes that one day there can be a smaller playground for the children between 2-4 years old. 

If you would like to donate or help out with the community build, you can contact Jennifer Seymour on the Facebook Page: Billish Park Playground.