The Buttercrust Bakery Store on Saratoga earned a 100 from inspectors last week.
I gotta admit...I was looking forward to the bakery aroma that comes from making many of these treats.
But the ladies working here told me they don't do that here.
All of the products you see are delivered by truck from San Antonio every day.
And then customers like David come and buy it and use it as... chicken feed.
Guess how much he paid for all of this ?
"How much money is that right there?" we asked, pointing to a basket FULL of bread.
"8 dollars and 12 cents," David responded.
"The total thing?"
"For the whole basket? 8 dollars and 12 cents for all of this bread?"
"Yes sir."
By the way...the ladies who work at here...are not allowed to appear on camera.
Oh well, congratulations Buttercrust Bakery !
The OTHER Perfect Scores
Asia Market
4101 SPID
Bourbon St Candy Company
La Palmera Mall
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
La Palmera Mall
Rooster's Market
2322 Ruth St
14002 SPID
The Coffee Spot
1145 Waldron Rd
Daquri Shak II
4839 S Staples
HEB Plus
1145 Waldron Rd
Jason's Deli
1416 Airline
4730 S Alameda
Thanks For Keeping It Clean And Safe For Customers Y'all.