

Finding the right gym to start the new year

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — It’s new year’s resolution time, and many people will choose to live a more active life in 2020. To exercise more tops the list of most common resolutions with “lose weight” close behind.

Along with setting resolutions, it’s common to join a gym. But within a month, the motivation to continue to exercise often fades away.

“Take responsibility for yourself, if you are going to do something you need to do it. But again, don’t start so big that it is a huge interruption to your life; make these changes small, make them convenient so it is not a huge challenge that you cannot sustain for the rest of your life or the rest of the year,” said Pinnacle Performance & Fitness owner Adam Farrell.

Gyms tend to offer reduced pricing on memberships and enrollment fees at the start of the year, but don’t let that be the only factor when it comes to choosing a fitness facility.

“Ideally, what you want to find is somewhere you feel comfortable," Farrell said. "If you want to get a personal trainer, make sure you interview them ahead of time, easy 5-10 minute phone call and make sure you guys are vibing together and have the same kind of ideas or outlook on what nutrition or what your goals are going to be. And also price point is important for a lot of people so make sure that the price point is what you are looking for as well."

Another big factor is location, location, location. Pick a gym that is between your home and work.

“The easier it is to make those changes, the more you are going to stick with them. If you got to go through 25 minutes of traffic to get where you want to go, if this is Houston, that wouldn’t be a big deal, but in Corpus, it seems to be a big deal. So trying to remove as many obstacles as possible will help you keep this long term, ” said Farrell.

Make sure your goals are realistic and measurable.

“You just need to get started, that is the most important part. And show up the next day, and show up the next day, and just be consistent day in and day out,” said Farrell.

New Year’s resolutions always seem to be high on our priority list in January, but 80 percent of resolutions fail by February.

“I would recommend to do what you can do right now. So if 10 minutes a day of walking is realistic for you right now just with your schedule in life, let's get that done. If you can work your way up to 30 minutes, to 40 minutes, to 60 minutes, that is great. But what is reality for you and your schedule right now that you can continuously do over time so you can start to see a little bit of results every day,” Farrell said.

So what is the secret to sticking to your getting healthier New Year’s resolution?

“One of the first rules I would say is drink a glass of water every morning. Focus on your nutrition and make sure you get lots of fruits and vegetables and lots of lean protein," Farrell said. "Sleep is also crucial. Getting good sleep will help with your hunger.

"Move every day like we talked about; the body is built to move and be pushed and have some strenuous work placed on it. And also let your brain rest a little bit. Maybe some meditation or some breathing, just being mindful and aware in your surroundings and giving your brain a break."

For those of you who want to lose weight or be healthy, here are a few things you can do:

1. Focus on food. How many meals do you eat a day? What are your snacking habits? Do you choose foods that fuel your body and contribute to your overall well-being? If you need help, schedule an appointment with a dietitian who can provide recipes, cooking class, wellness tips, snack ideas and more.

2. Schedule gym time. How many times a week or a month do you plan to work out? Determine what that number is and stick to it. However, be realistic. If you currently don’t work out, ease yourself back into routine so that you meet your goal. For an additional incentive, give yourself a reward for sticking to your routine: buy those new running shoes you’re eyeing or treat yourself to a special night out.

3. Set an alarm to go to sleep. Part of a healthy lifestyle is getting an adequate amount of sleep, and research supports you should get between 7 and 9 hours each night. If you make sleep a priority, you’ll get adequate rest to stay healthy.

4. Use an app. Downloading an app allows you to keep track of the food you eat, the amount sleep you get and the amount of exercise you do. You will also be able to track progress, set reminders and connect with friends.

5. Get social. Research demonstrates that sharing your fitness goals on social media helps keep you accountable and receiving positive feedback helps keep you motivated.

6. Keep a goal journal. Writing down your goals and the steps you will take to achieve them provides a visual guide. Planners can help you track your progress and increase your motivation for your health journey.