CommunityKRIS 6 Angels


KRIS 6 Angels: The San Miguel sisters making a difference

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CORPUS CHRISTI — Two sisters wanting to make a difference in their community, Abigail and Alexandria San Miguel, started an organization known as Angels of the Community in an effort to help those in need in our area in 2019.

"We really just like to give back to our community. Since we are already so blessed with the things we have, we like to share that," Alexandria said.

Since their organization's inception, the San Miguel sisters have helped several people.

During the 2021 freeze, many were without power and water, so the girls made spaghetti meals at home and fed seniors at a Southside assisted living center.

This past Thanksgiving, they provided meals for families in need, and in December, they collected toys for children living in government housing.

This is why we presented Abigail and Alexandria with the KRIS 6 Angel award for the month of June.

We also spoke with their parents and asked how they feel about everything their daughters do to help others.

"To see other people how they're uplifted because of our children, because of the small acts, it is a warm feeling to see that," said Priscilla San Miguel.

Their father, Michael San Miguel, is also very proud of the girls.

"It is a domino effect, it affects one, and it affects others," Michael said.

When Alexandria and Abigail are not volunteering, they're in school. Abigail attends Del Mar College and plans to be a teacher. Alexandria is about to start her junior year at Moody High School and wants to eventually become a mechanical engineer. Despite their busy schedules, they still find time to do things they like.

Abigail and Alexandria's efforts to make a change in their community are what truly makes them KRIS 6 angels.

If you would like to join, you can head to their Facebook Angels of the Communityand find their contact information.