Bill Alexander

Bill Alexander


Staff meteorologist

Bill Alexander provides evening weekday and weekend forecasts for KRIS. Bill has a long and distinguished career in meteorology, spanning State and Federal governments prior to his career as a broadcast meteorologist. He has earned numerous accolades for his contribution to science and for his expertise as a weather broadcaster.

Bill began his career as a graduate associate at Texas A&M University, where he performed his undergraduate and graduate studies. During graduate school, he served as an upper air analyst and instructor. During the years that followed, while working for the Texas Department of Water Resources, he was chief forecaster for a weather modification program in West Texas, preparing several studies about enhancing rainfall in parched farm and ranch lands. As a Federal employee, Bill worked with the National Weather Service (NWS) as a forecaster, a Warnings and Preparedness Meteorologist, and both Regional and National Program Manager. He culminated his NWS career as a senior manager, running the NWS forecast office in El Paso, Texas. Following his government career, Bill moved into broadcast meteorology, serving as the Chief Meteorologist at the ABC affiliate in Victoria, Texas.

Mr. Alexander made numerous contributions to advance NWS operational programs. As a regional Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM), he wrote and taught the very first WCM training program. He introduced storm surge software to NWS coastal offices, which helped to advance the tropical cyclone warning program. As a national program manager, he rewrote the Severe Local Storms, Flash Flood and Spotter Training programs for the NWS. He also led the interagency Hurricane Andrew Disaster Survey, the report of which led to significant changes to engineering requirements for manufactured housing. He then served as Deputy Chief of Environmental and Scientific Services in Alaska Region, where he led the Aviation and Fire Weather programs in addition to being the nation’s first Volcanic Ash Program Manager. As such, he led the World Meteorological Organization to create a universal lexicon for describing and quantifying volcanic ash eruption intensity.

Bill Alexander has earned numerous major awards and certifications during his career. He earned two Department of Commerce Bronze Medals for outstanding leadership while modernizing operational programs and leading teams during critical weather situations. He holds the National Weather Association’s Seal of Broadcast Meteorology. He has earned the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) Radio Broadcast Seal of Approval and the prestigious AMS Certified Broadcast Meteorologist designation.

Bill and his wife call Corpus Christi home, and plan to remain here. After travelling the world professionally, they have returned to the Coastal Bend where both graduated from high school and have deep roots.

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